Thursday, September 24, 2009

Baby, I love you!

Baby, I love your naturalness because it expresses your confidence, it express your beauty and the love you have for yourself as a strong black woman. This was a statement made by my fiancee. It's good when the man you deeply in love accepts you for the woman that you are. I mean I stand alone in my journey but it good when the people who surround you stand for what you stand up. When I first started this journey and my locs were babies I had so many negative comments. But I knew who I was and what I stood for and that was all that matter. Now that my babies have grown and oh how those same people who gave me those comments are in awe. But my baby has always loved me and supported me for who I was. I ALWAYS HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT NOT TRY TO BE LIKE ANY ONE ELSE!

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